Tandem Construction, along with a substantial list of incredible Subcontractors, were celebrated at the Topping Out party for the Venice Public Safety Facility last week. This tradition of having the last structural beam placed atop a project carries on, as we commended the efforts of all the workers putting thier time and sweat into ensuring the Public Safety Facility was done to the highest standard of quality. Construction began in May of 2019, and just as quickly as the project took off, it is now nearing sweet completion! As the finish line becomes more clear, all of the hard-working employees came together to recognize the efforts that have already been made and to look ahead to the completion of this project for the City of Venice. There were over 120 people in attendance of the Topping Out, including City of Venice Public Works representatives and Venice Police Officers. Darrell's BarBQ so generously catered lunch and over 40 prizes were given out! Stay tuned for the completion of the Venice Public Safety Facility coming in July 2020.